The Perfect Fit Lunch Bag Guide

We know buying a lunch bag can be hard for some people, what lunch box fits which lunch bag?
We are here to help.
The cart below will help you find your perfect pair. Feel free to email us if you have any question or can not decide which one to go with. We will help you find a lunch box and bag that suits you.

Additional information:
Go Green Large box set only able to fit into Go Green Lunch Bag.
Rainebeau Lunch Box fits into So Young Large Lunch Bag and Giggle Me Pink Lunch Bag.
Yumbox Tapas fits into Fridge To Go, Apple & Mint, Giggle Me Pink and PackIt lunch bag.
Apple & Mint and Fridge To Go insulated lunch bag comes with a cooling panel that able to keep food cold for up to 8 hours.
PackIt range has inbuilt cooling panel that able to keep food cold up for to 10 hours.
For more information, welcome to email us at